Re-write you life story following my life story coaching plan.
What you'll learn about yourself
Understand the psychology behind your life story, your beliefs and narratives
Use proven, step-by-step tools and strategies for helping you to re-write your story
Help you to understand how you can quiet the inner critic and empower your self-talk
Help you to stop repeating self-defeating patterns and habits
Help you to develop self-confidence and a success identity
Help you to release past baggage and pain that no longer serve you
Use frameworks such as Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and Transactional Analysis to help you to change your life patterns
Show you how to transcend the story of your past and take back control of your pen
We will cover the following steps:
What’s a story and why does it matter?
Understanding your why
Conformity and Social Influence
Understanding Schemas
Conditioned Beliefs
Overcoming Confirmation Bias
Neuro Linguistic Programming Sub-modalities
The four life positions of Transactional Analysis
Identifying Your Life Movie Script
Exploring Identity: Archetypes
Identifying Identity and Beliefs
Three Ego States
Identifying Hidden Belief
Questioning Beliefs
Thoughts and feelings journal
Core Beliefs and Outcomes
Generating In-Between Beliefs
Accountability and Planning for Living Their New Story
Circle of Control
Locus of Control
Exposure Therapy – Leaving your comfort zone
Master Willpower by Removing Cues & Triggers
Creating a Reward System
Accepting Other People's Stories
Closing Ceremony:
I will help you to:
Reach your potential by rewriting persistent life stories that you tell yourself and others that keep you in a rut or playing out the same life scripts over and over again.
I will provide you with a structured package designed to support you in changing your beliefs and empowering your identity.
Through powerful activities, questioning, and accountability, I will help you to boost your self-confidence, see your life story from a new perspective, and clearly identify the life that you want to create.
What benefits or outcomes will you receive?
Learn how to stop self-defeating patterns and habits
Release pain, baggage and stories that no longer serve you
Quiet the inner critic and empower your self-talk
Identify limiting beliefs that are holding you back and release them
Understand and use the power of your mind
Take back control over your life
Develop self-confidence and a success identity
Find meaning and purpose in challenging life experiences
Envision a compelling future for your life
Live in alignment with your true, authentic self
each their potential and live a fulfilling life
Consciously create their own destiny
Going on your own Life Story Journey is a unique and intimate opportunity to deep dive into your life and transform from within.
You will get to help from me to step forward as you live out your story that you have created deliberately because you have taken back control of your pen.
You can expect this process to take approximately 6-8 months coming to weekly sessions. You may choose to come fortnightly and I have various packages to suit differing requirements.
You can choose when and how often to have sessions coming monthly if that suits you better. You can expect the process to take longer if session frequency is reduced.
Costs are as follows: Pay per session £65
Pay for entire package up front £1750 (equivalent to 35 sessions @ £50 per session giving a total saving of £525
(Once your 35 sessions have been used up you will be expected to pay per session thereafter if the package has not been completed. I will work with you to keep you on track to complete the process by the 35th session. If you complete the coaching package in under 35 sessions you can use the remainder of the sessions to suit you. A refund will not be available for remaining sessions).
This is a coaching package that has a clear structure and will require a certain amount of dedication, commitment and time for it to be successful.